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Mental Health

Depression: Symptoms and Care Options

Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders in the US, often known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression. If ignored and left untreated, it can result in chronic health issues.  Proper treatment, including medication, therapy, counseling, and lifestyle changes, can help to treat depression. Let’s have a look at it in detail. … Read more

How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain?

Alcohol is one of the most used drugs in the United States of America. Nearly one-third of people experience Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) at some point in their lives.  About 85% of Americans say they have used alcohol, and more than 25% say they have binged on alcohol recently. A 2018 study published in The … Read more

Healthy Ways of Coping with Stress

Recovering addicts often find it challenging to deal with everyday life after completing an addiction treatment program. Initially, the individual may feel euphoria, but this feeling will soon fade as they face the rigors of everyday life. Those reintegrating from treatment may face challenges, such as establishing a sober social life, adjusting to new work … Read more

Depression and Alcohol Use?

Do you feel with the consequences of alcohol use and depression? Well, these are commonly faced by the majority of Americans. Some people tend toward alcohol to cope with their depression. Those who do receive a greater risk of worsening their mental health disorder through self-medicating with alcohol which leads to alcohol dependence or addiction. … Read more

What is Anxiety Disorder?

It is natural to have some anxiety. If you have to deal with work, an interview, an exam, or an important decision, you may feel anxious or tense. On the other hand, anxiety disorders go beyond slight nervousness and fear. Read on to learn more about what is anxiety. Anxiety disorders are serious mental illnesses … Read more

BDP and Addiction: Everything You Need to Know

The relationship between BPD and addiction is volatile, but borderline personalities are also prone to process addictions like eating disorders. When borderline personality disorder and addiction overlap, the impacts of both conditions are amplified. When these disorders coexist, symptoms such as impulsive and destructive behaviors, mood swings, depression, anxiety, and other disorders can develop. Borderline … Read more

GeneSight Testing for Mental Health Treatment

Treating mental health disorders takes time and, traditionally, trial-and-error. Not everyone responds to the same drugs, and many people have to go through months or years of testing new pharmaceuticals to get results Psychiatry is one of the best evidence-based methods of treating common mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar, and posttraumatic stress disorder.  … Read more

How Effective is Zoloft for Treating Anxiety?

Anxiety and depression dominate statistics of mental illness in the US. Each year, 40 million adults describe experiencing anxiety alone. Despite effective, available treatment and steadily growing numbers, less than 37 percent of all cases seek and receive professional help.  Anxiety makes life difficult. However, many treatment options exist for relief. A popular medication, Zoloft … Read more

5 Things to Know About Mental Health Treatment

Mental health problems affect tens of millions of Americans every year. Unfortunately, only half of the individuals with a mental illness receive treatment, reports the National Institute of Mental Health. When untreated, many types of mental illnesses will gradually reduce your quality of life and increase other mental and physical health problems—including disability and suicide. … Read more

Will Quitting Alcohol Improve My Mental Health?

When consumed in small or moderate amounts, alcohol can often produce pleasurable short-term effects. It can make you feel happy, relaxed, and outgoing. However, when consumed in high amounts regularly for an extended period, alcohol can start taking a toll on your mental health and make you more susceptible to conditions like depression and anxiety. … Read more

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