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Is Addiction Permanent?

It’s no secret that addiction can often become a lifelong problem and condition—especially when you don’t seek treatment for it. Addiction is a debilitating disease that can make you feel hopeless and as though there is no effective solution. As a result, you may believe that your addiction is permanent and can never be effectively … Read more

What Exactly Is an Addiction Treatment Plan?

An addiction treatment plan is a detailed, step-by-step recovery plan designed to help you recover from your alcohol or drug use disorder. It’s important to choose a drug and alcohol rehab center that creates customized addiction treatment plans for each of its patients as opposed to a rehab center that uses the same set of … Read more

Comparing Three Addiction Treatment Methods

When you enter substance abuse treatment, you might wonder what treatment options are available to you. There are a plethora of treatment programs that specialize in specific types of treatment, everything from motivational interviewing and contingency management to twelve-step-based therapies. Some treatments are holistic, alternative, and focus on spirituality, while others are evidence-based with a … Read more

5 Things to Know About Mental Health Treatment

Mental health problems affect tens of millions of Americans every year. Unfortunately, only half of the individuals with a mental illness receive treatment, reports the National Institute of Mental Health. When untreated, many types of mental illnesses will gradually reduce your quality of life and increase other mental and physical health problems—including disability and suicide. … Read more

Ringing in New Year’s Eve and Staying Sober

The year has been extraordinary, and, as the pandemic continues, many people are excited to start fresh—in so many ways. Millions of Americans with count the seconds until 2022 with champagne glasses (and more), but for those in recovery, things look a bit different. For us, ringing in the New Year means sticking to our … Read more

What Drug Recovery Means as a Single Parent

Raising children is one of the most precious experiences we can have. Yet, it can also be one of the most difficult, especially if you are a single parent. To add insult to injury, what can make rearing a child on your own even harder is when you struggle with substance use disorders. This may … Read more

Is Lucemyra Addictive? Potential for Abuse

The United States is facing an opioid epidemic of unprecedented scale. Opioids such as prescription painkillers, heroin, and even the synthetic opiate medications that treat opiate addiction, hold countless people—and their loved ones—in their grasp. As a mental illness, opioid addiction spares no gender, race, or socioeconomic class. According to the US Centers for Disease … Read more

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